From Falling to Soaring:
A Source-Led Transformation

Your 9-part journey, led 100% by Source, to find a higher self that accelerates your
potential, heals old wounds, and provides courage for every climb – no matter how far the summit.

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Get Instant Access to the Source-Led Training

Are you on the verge of collapse?
Or the precipice of expansion?

Does it feel like your dreams could crumble in an instant?  Are you questioning your identity — your destiny — while buried in distractions and overwhelm, searching for relief from the emotional drain and disappointment in yourself? Maybe you've made choices that only worsen those feelings. 

It's no wonder lack and want persist.  But how can they be satisfied?

Your past creates dark filters that unconsciously dim the light of your true self. These filters are programs -- “artificial thinking” -- that ruin your interior view. 

What's worse is that these thoughts turn opportunities for deep love and radical success into barriers.  They rob you of the Creator-level awareness you were born to uphold.  Artificial thoughts - your filtered view - can make you a prisoner of the past.  Colored by your history since birth, these pictures within you can project worst-case scenarios and distort your perception of reality. 

But it doesn't have to be this way. You can transcend your repeating patterns.  Allow higher ways of thinking to grab hold of your restlessness and simmer you down, pause on what’s important, and learn to let go of what isn’t. Gain greater self-awareness and self-reward; stop following programmed routines that make others happy as you ignore your needs.  You can find a sense of purpose and, more importantly, a contented sense of self. 

Imagine waking up each day with electric attraction. Picture yourself navigating through obligations, work, and family, recognizing your emotional stressors for what they indeed are. Instead of being controlled by the world, you respond in rhythm to your inspiration and joy.

Here's the secret: when you find joy in the simplest things and genuinely love yourself – from the soul's filter – you no longer rely on others or your circumstances for your happiness. Nor do they affect your success or failure.  Life’s control is returned to you. 

Imagine feeling empowered and unstoppable, ignoring obstacles blocking your way. 

Ever notice you find work or love when you’re not looking? Or that people are more helpful when you’re in a positive frame of mind? This is what I call the Accelerated Self, a state of clear-filtered buoyancy that comes from standing on a new foundation — a sturdy framework gained through a spiritual understanding of what the Self is, and how it transforms by what you notice.

Embrace a magnetic life where love and opportunities find you.

When you transcend your filters, you…

Discover Who You Truly Are Beyond Your Thoughts
Develop Emotional Awareness and Control
Create a Deeper Connection to Yourself & to Source
Begin to Build Authentic Self-Worth
 Detach from Judgment
(of others and yourself)
Learn to See Abundance Everywhere

You build the foundation to become more aligned, more fulfilled, and more connected. (These are the three pillars of joy — more on that later.)

“I feel a lot of strength – a lot more power within me somehow.”

– Kapil, India

“I listen to it over and over, every night sometimes.
I feel a whole me expand as the fractured me heals.”
– Catherine, Missouri

I call it the exhilarated self!  It’s a higher education of the higher self.

– Pam, Florida

Introducing the gateway to profound transformation, lovingly crafted by Source…

The Accelerated Self — The 100% Source-Led Training to help you become resilient and connected to your true Self.

What’s included: 

  • 9 comprehensive Souce-Led modules to help you…
    âś“ Make fearless commitments & take action toward your dreams
    ✓ Manage disappointments 
    âś“ Learn to stay grateful during hard times, mean people, and bad days
    âś“ Lead more, hide less
    ✓ Learn to be vulnerable for deeper connections 
    âś“ Put emotions aside without denying your needs
    âś“ Develop strong personal boundaries without completely isolating yourself
    âś“ Rebuild passion, confidence, and faith
    âś“ Live without the need for approval or agreement
  • Journal Prompts for Each Module — to deepen your understanding and help you apply the learning to your life.
  •  LIVE Group Coaching*


  • One-on-One Soul Session with Source**
  • Discounted Pricing for Additional One-on-One Soul Sessions with Source
  • 3 Additional Source Talks — Wellness is Mental, Tyrants of the Mind, & Are We God’s Artificial Intelligence
Choose Your Package & Enroll in the Accelerated Self Program

* 3 LIVE Group Coaching Sessions with the Undergrad Package OR 12 LIVE Group Coaching Sessions with the Graduate Package

** 1 one-on-one Soul Session with Source with the Undergrad Package OR 6 one-on-one Soul Sessions with Source with the Graduate Package

Program Outline

When you join the Accelerated Self Program, you gain lifetime access to the 100% Source-Led, 9-part training to expand your self-view – the elevated spiritual being you were born to express.

Intrigued to know what's inside the Accelerated Self program? Let's dive right in and explore these life-changing lessons together.

Choose Your Package & Enroll in the Accelerated Self Program

See how The Accelerated Self Program changes lives

“The Accelerated Self along with the one-on-ones with Source had the most powerful effect.  For one, I noticed a change in the type of men I started to attract.  It's astonishing how anxiety-inducing it used to be.  But Source taught me how to be vulnerable.  I never understood what that meant before.  I’m a high-level competitor in my field, you forget how to be authentic, because you build a wall of professionalism.  But something opened in me that had been closed for a very long time. Instead of chasing empty unavailable relationships who make you do all the work.  I finally chose a guy who chose me first. Sondra also supported me through the whole transformation. Source is the teacher and Sondra is the spiritual consultant.”

– Kristin, Michigan

“It's almost like you're reading the Bible where it's the Bible of yourself, the Bible of understanding yourself, that you can hear it one time, and think one way, and you hear it again - the same thing - and you get a different understanding; when you hear it the third time a different understanding, so by repeating it you get a full understanding of yourself.  An elevated version of yourself comes to the surface.”  

– Catherine, Missouri

“Interesting, intriguing, informative, and very, very useful! 

There is so much brand new info, so different from what I have known before.” 

– Aco, Slovenia

Hi, I’m Sondra — Godscribe & Source Communicator.

I suffered from cyclical depression for 35 years, a darkness that would subside temporarily while I was busy working, only to resurface with a vengeance when I was unexpectedly fired at Christmas in 2003.

But here's the kicker – I had already achieved my creative dreams. I had become a corporate portrait photographer for Fortune 100 clients, thriving in the heart of New York City. I enjoyed financial success and defied the odds as a woman in a male-dominated field.

Then, in the blink of an eye, it all vanished. I found myself in ruins, having lost not only the job I loved but also the man I wanted to spend my life with. At the age of 39, everything came crashing down – leaving me terrified, depleted, and consumed by anger.

Little did I know that the world was about to take an extraordinary turn.

One cold January day, as I poured my heart out in my journal, something remarkable happened – I wrote words that weren't my own. An unseen force spoke through my pencil, leaving its message on the clean white page before me: "Unemployed? It is my assertion you are employed by me." Although hardly legible, I knew deep down that these words came from a higher power. I couldn't help but be intrigued.

Hi, I’m Sondra — Godscribe & Source Communicator.

I suffered from cyclical depression for 35 years, a darkness that would subside temporarily while I was busy working, only to resurface with a vengeance when I was unexpectedly fired at Christmas in 2003.

But here's the kicker – I had already achieved my creative dreams. I had become a corporate portrait photographer for Fortune 100 clients, thriving in the heart of New York City. I enjoyed financial success and defied the odds as a woman in a male-dominated field.

Then, in the blink of an eye, it all vanished. I found myself in ruins, having lost not only the job I loved but also the man I wanted to spend my life with. At the age of 39, everything came crashing down – leaving me terrified, depleted, and consumed by anger.

Little did I know that the world was about to take an extraordinary turn.

One cold January day, as I poured my heart out in my journal, something remarkable happened – I wrote words that weren't my own. An unseen force spoke through my pencil, leaving its message on the clean white page before me: "Unemployed? It is my assertion you are employed by me." Although hardly legible, I knew deep down that these words came from a higher power. I couldn't help but be intrigued.

My journey of solitude began in the depths of my basement, tucked away on Fourth Street in Secaucus, New Jersey. Over the following year, I filled countless spiral notebooks, engaging in profound dialogues with the divine Voice that guided and transformed me into the best version of myself, my higher self.

Soon after, I bid farewell to New York City and found true love. A new chapter of my life unfolded, marked by a blossoming career and a newfound sense of purpose. For ten years, in secret, I continued in-depth exploration with the inner Voice I call God and its teachings, applying their wisdom to every aspect of my life – from important decisions to navigating the complexities of the world around me.

Under Source's guidance, I honed my abilities and began the mission to help others the way I was transformed.  It was during my Source Talks and client sessions, where I enter a trance state to facilitate the God-self conversations, that I noticed the recurring pitfalls of self-identity that so many face.  And thus, from God's lead, the idea for a transformative program was born – one that would serve those unable to invest in weekly soul sessions with Source, and mastery students who want deeper self-study apart from our client work.

The purpose of this course is to embark on a catalytic journey where Source ignites your acceleration, reconnects you with your true essence, and reawakens the joy and clarity that life can steal in its unrelenting sorrow on which you have no effect. In the midst of it all, are you ready to create a life infused with purpose, worth, and genuine joy? Are you ready to discover authenticity and develop unyielding courage? Now’s the time. Here's how.

My journey of solitude began in the depths of my basement, tucked away on Fourth Street in Secaucus, New Jersey. Over the following year, I filled countless spiral notebooks, engaging in profound dialogues with the divine Voice that guided and transformed me into the best version of myself, my higher self.

Soon after, I bid farewell to New York City and found true love. A new chapter of my life unfolded, marked by a blossoming career and a newfound sense of purpose. For ten years, in secret, I continued in-depth exploration with the inner Voice I call God and its teachings, applying their wisdom to every aspect of my life – from important decisions to navigating the complexities of the world around me.

Under Source's guidance, I honed my abilities and began the mission to help others the way I was transformed.  It was during my Source Talks and client sessions, where I enter a trance state to facilitate the God-self conversations, that I noticed the recurring pitfalls of self-identity that so many face.  And thus, from God's lead, the idea for a transformative program was born – one that would serve those unable to invest in weekly soul sessions with Source, and mastery students who want deeper self-study apart from our client work.

The purpose of this course is to embark on a catalytic journey where Source ignites your acceleration, reconnects you with your true essence, and reawakens the joy and clarity that life can steal in its unrelenting sorrow on which you have no effect. In the midst of it all, are you ready to create a life infused with purpose, worth, and genuine joy? Are you ready to discover authenticity and develop unyielding courage? Now’s the time. Here's how.

Choose Your Package

How you begin your life-changing journey with Source and The Accelerated Self Program.

The DIYer

The 9 Comprehensive Lessons & Bonus Content


  • Spiritual practitioners who need a fresh perspective from Source. 
  • Energy-drained caretakers looking for realistic ways to recharge their lives.
  • The soul-starved, spirit-blocked, prisoner of fate who needs a refuge within themselves, they never knew existed.
  • Self-mastery students on a budget.


  • Lifetime Access to 9 Extraordinary, Source-Led Lessons
  • Journal Prompts for each lesson — helping you apply what you’ve learned to your life. 
  •  Bonuses: 3 Additional Source Talks — Wellness is Mental, Tyrants of the Mind, & Are We God’s Artificial Intelligence

Watch, Listen, Read on any device


Limited-time Pricing $297

Payment plan available!

Purchase Now

The DIYer

The 9 Comprehensive Lessons & Bonus Content


  • Spiritual practitioners who need a fresh perspective from Source. 
  • Energy-drained caretakers looking for realistic ways to recharge their lives.
  • The soul-starved, spirit-blocked, prisoner of fate who needs a refuge within themselves, they never knew existed.
  • Self-mastery students on a budget.


  • Lifetime Access to 9 Extraordinary, Source-Led Lessons
  • Journal Prompts for each lesson — helping you apply what you’ve learned to your life. 
  •  Bonuses: 3 Additional Source Talks — Wellness is Mental, Tyrants of the Mind, & Are We God’s Artificial Intelligence

Watch, Listen, Read on any device


Limited-time Pricing $297

Payment plan available!

Purchase Now

The Undergrad

The 9 Comprehensive Lessons, Bonus Content, 3 Group Coaching Sessions, 1 One-on-One Soul Session with Source


  • Those seeking immediate insights into obstacles, emotional triggers, and spiritual origins.

  •  Seekers of Spiritual & Psychological Healing.

  •  Impassioned Self-Improvers ready for insider guidance to a happy life and fulfilling occupation.

  •   People looking for a discounted soul session with Source in addition to the valuable content of this program.


  • Everything in the DIYer 

  •  1 One-on-One Source-Led Soul Session with Source

  •  $40 OFF additional Soul Sessions with Source for 1 year

  •  3 LIVE Group Coaching Sessions


Watch, Listen, Read on any device


Limited-time Pricing $497

Payment plan available!

Purchase Now

The Graduate: VIP Package

The 9 Comprehensive Lessons, Bonus Content, 12 Group Coaching Sessions, & 6 One-on-One Soul Sessions with Source


  • Visionaries and leaders seeking to tap into their full potential.

  •  Those who desire to navigate life's challenges with deep wisdom and courage.

  •   Serious self-mastery seekers — this replaces your therapist, life coach, and the lessons you wished you learned from your parents.

  •  Individuals ready for profound transformation in all aspects of their lives.


  • Everything in the DIYer

  •  6 One-on-One Source-Led Soul Sessions with Source

  •  $40 OFF  additional Soul Sessions with Source for 2 years 

  •  12 LIVE Group Coaching Sessions


Watch, Listen, Read on any device


Limited-time Pricing $1,497

Payment plan available!

Purchase Now


Find a higher view; be a greater you.

Discover the ultimate Source-Led training that helps you uncover who you are beyond your thoughts and create a life that resonates deeply within your contented soul.

Choose Your Package & Get Instant Access